Friday 4 June 2010

The Art of Making Cappuccino

The Basic Cappuccino

The basic cappuccino is a 6-8 ounce beverage. It consists of about 2-3 ounces of espresso coffee, 2-3 ounces of steamed milk and 2-3 ounces of milk foam. Powdered cocoa or cinnamon is usually sprinkled on top to give it that little special touch.

Here are some tips and tricks to take your cappuccino to the next level of deliciousness.

* To layer of cappuccino, you should let the milk rest a moment, then foam and milk can separate.

* Pour the brewed espresso into a stainless steel pitcher as ceramic or glass cups absorb too much heat. The temperature of the espresso actually makes a big difference in taste and the best machines even allow you to regulate the temperature of the coffee as it is brewing.

* To prepare your beverage, use a demitasse cup, so you can keep the proportions right. First pour the steamed milk into the cup until it fills about one third (2-3 ounces of milk). Then slowly pour the espresso in steamed milk. Finally place the foam in to fill the last few ounces of space. When done correctly, it should settle between espresso and milk foam.

* Generally, milk foam should be between about 150 and 170 degree Fahrenheit. To make frothing easier, you should buy an espresso machine that has a frothing adapter rather than a wand.

Different types of Cappuccino

Classic Cappuccino

This type of cappuccino is pretty common in Italy and North America, and it's simply a cappuccino that is only topped with frothed milk (no steamed milk poured into the espresso). You simply top your 1-2 ounces of espresso with 1-2 ounces of foam. Delicious!

The Iced Cappuccino

While iced cappuccino does not differ in ingredients from the basic cappuccino, it is prepared differently. First, you brew your espresso (single or double shot). So you can put about 5-6 ice cubes in a glass and pour espresso over them. Touch it up to bring the temperature down. Then pour the cooled espresso into a serving cup and add 2-3 ounces of cold milk. Final foam up 2-3 ounces of milk and spoon only the hot foam on top.

Milky Way Cappuccino

Now we get into the real yummy stuff. :) If you like chocolate and caramel (and who does not?), You'll love this one. To make a Milky Way Cappuccino, simply create a basic (or classic) cappuccino and add one ounce of chocolate and one ounce of caramel before adding milk (you pour chocolate and caramel in espresso and then pour the milk).

Simple but good!

The Almond Cappuccino

If you like almonds, you'll love this recipe. Again, it is very simple. Before mixing steamed milk with espresso, pour one ounce of vanilla extract and one ounce of almond extract espresso. Then simply connect the Basic Cappuccino and enjoy!

The Homemade frappe cappuccino

A frappe cappuccino is simply a mixed (frappe) cappuccino. To make one, you first brew a great shot of espresso and let it cool. You can put it in the fridge so it cools faster. When it is cool, it's time to get out your blender and pour in the coffee, about 4-5 ounces of milk, 1-2 tablespoons sugar, and about a cup of ice. Blend it up until the ice is crushed and the drink is smooth.

Well, we hope that gets you started with making great espresso.

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