Monday 24 May 2010

Stimulating the Right Brain Can Create a Genius Baby

You can create a genius baby, if you understand how the human brain is structured. In most adults, the left brain dominant. Left-brained people think in a logical, linear way, while right-brained people think in a non-linear, intuitive way. The left-brained learn best through hearing, while the right-brained learn best by seeing and feeling.

Our school system is geared to logical, linear thinking, favors left-brained. Right-brained children often only an average well in school because they are unable to show how they arrived at their answer, have reached them in unusual ways or through pure intuition.

You should not be discouraged if your child gets low grades in school. It may be a sign of a genius in the making! A good example of a right-brained person is a scientist Albert Einstein. An acknowledged genius, he suffered from speech difficulties in early childhood.

Then a genius baby in the house? There may well be. As Glenn Doman and Makoto Shichida, two right-brain educators, put it, to access the right brain allows a child to learn better and could unlock genius-like abilities.

These include speed-reading skills, a photographic memory, the ability to accurately sketch something seen only once, a facility for performing instant math equations and rare musical talent. The right hemisphere is also responsible for visual and spatial processing, and the ability to see problems in several dimensions, as great physicists do. Einstein had this ability.

If the right hemisphere is much more intuitive and creative, why is our left brain more dominant? For a very good reason. It makes the important task to filter a lot of information bombarding our senses. This helps us to avoid "sensory overload".

If the right hemisphere was dominant, we would constantly be a reaction to a wealth of information being thrown at us. Think of autism sufferer, who is hypersensitive to sensory stimuli, determines general social interactions overwhelming, and you get the idea.

Our left hemisphere helps us get a conversation while ignoring background noise. This ensures that a large proportion of sensory input we receive are still below the radar of conscious awareness.

Right-brain teaching helps us to regain some of the benefits by right clicking cerebral dominance by changing the way we absorb and remember information. Most people remember the data by storing it in their short-term memory in the left hemisphere. Only repeated use leads to transfer it to long-term memory of the right hemisphere.

Right-brain teaching helps us bypass the left brain and direct access to our long-term memory that helps us learn faster. This makes it possible for us to remember information received on a subconscious level - for example through speed reading.

Unlike left-brain learning, right-brain learning requires no conscious effort. In small children, the right hemisphere is already enabled, making learning very fast. This is because the right hemisphere develops before the left and is dominant until the age of three and a half.

So if you want your child to be a genius baby, encourage her right brain.

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