Monday 7 June 2010

Grover's Disease Treatment Tips

Grover's disease is also known as transient acantholytic dermatosis. Grover's disease is a skin condition that the chest and back. Grover's disease (transient acantholytic dermatosis) appears suddenly as itchy red spots on the body, usually in older men. It often starts quite suddenly and is more common in winter than in summer. This results in a small red, bumpy spots (spots) on the central back, mid chest and occasionally elsewhere. Although frequently itchy, it can cause no symptoms. Stains can be blisters, scabs or impairment. There may be slight bleeding. Grover's disease often starts quite suddenly. This results in a very itchy patches on the central back, mid chest and occasionally elsewhere. It is often sweating or an unexpected heat stress.

Sometimes more serious illness is complicated by the development of dermatitis, usually in a nummular pattern i.e. Circular or oval plaques. Symptoms of Grover's disease is characterized by an itchy rash that an average of 10-12 months to complete. Slight bleeding may occur again. In general, bleeding occurs when there is a lot of scratches. The principal at Grover disease management must remain cool, as will sweat more itchy spots cause. Minor outbreaks can be controlled with prescription strength topical cortisone creams. More worrying outbreaks usually after taking Accutane or the removal of tetracycline pills for one to three months. Apply a mild topical steroid such as hydrocortisone in a cool lotion. It can often be used to the affected areas to relieve itching.

Calcipotriol cream was reported to be beneficial. Light therapy can be useful, but can also promote the disease. Moisturizing creams are also helpful. Oral retinoids such as acitretin or isotretinoin is reported to be helpful. A course of tetracycline or an oral antifungal medication such as itraconazole help some patients. Retinoids such as vitamin A 50,000 U three times daily for 2 weeks then daily for 12 weeks or isotretinoin 40 mg / day for 2-12 weeks can be effective. Avoidance of heat and heavy exercise can help control the outcome. Use talc baby powder in the area several times a day will help prevent recurrences. Adding moisture to the air with a humidifier will help many flares of Grover's disease prevention.

Grover's Disease Treatment Tips

1. Moisturizing creams are also useful first.

2. Second to remain calm, as will sweat more itchy spots cause.

3. Apply mild topical steroids as third hydrocortisone in a cool lotion.

4. A fourth course of tetracycline or itraconazole helps some patients.

5. Phototherapy can be helpful, but sometimes the disease to provoke.

6. Experimental, oral retinoids isotretinoin and acitretin or useful.

7. Avoidance of heat and heavy exercise can help control the outcome.

8. Using eighth talc baby powder to the areas several times a day will help prevent recurrences.

1 comment:

Herbs Solutions By Nature said...

Natural Treatment for Grover’s Disease learns about the Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis. Natural Herbal Treatment for Grover’s Disease with Herbal Product Graveton Natural Supplement for common itchy rash. The aim of this treatment to cure the Causes of Grover’s Disease.