Friday 18 June 2010

Easiest Tips to Get Rid of Fever

Fever is a good thing. The penetrating body tries to bacteria or other nasty organisms that cannot survive the heat killing. Hypothalamus, where the body of the thermostat senses an attack on the body and the warmth of the many ways your thermostat when you feel cold. It's a simple defense mechanism, sweat and with a fever is only one way to get your body to cool.

The key is to keep body fluids flows. As in heat exhaustion and heat stroke and related diseases such as body temperature rises, the more the moisture from the user. So even when it is inactive and in bed, you can still become dehydrated with a fever. To avoid dehydration during a fever, body fluids should be supplemented. The average adult should drink about 10 glasses of water a day, more than the normal average. Children should aim for 60-10 per day. If your fever is the cause of another disease like a cold or flu, the water is as important in the elimination of "error" that causes the disease.

Fever is not a disease. It is a symptom of an infection, usually caused by a cold or flu. After a cold, for example. The immune system signals your brain more body heat to attack infectious cells and your body temperature rises

Steaming the body with water, khus (poppy seeds) are added reasons, sweat and bring the temperature down. Water boiled with khus khus can be used as a drink in fever.

Holy Basil (Tulsi) is another equally effective home remedy for fever. You can cook it in 2 cups of water and drink. You can add some honey to boiling.

Normal body temperature varies between 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit, but varies throughout the day. Normally lower in the early morning hours and higher in late afternoon. A fever is considered any temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You have a concern when the temperature raises only 102 degrees Fahrenheit for one adult and 103 degrees Fahrenheit for children.

The leaves of holy basil is one of the most effective of several home remedies for treatment of common fever. A decoction made of about twelve grams of these leaf boiled in a pint of water should be twice daily with half cup milk, one teaspoon of sugar and quarter teaspoon ground cardamom (chhoti elaichi). This reduces the temperature.

Drink plenty of water to compensate for the loss of body fluids. This will also help to reduce body temperature. Immediately reduce high body temperature, boil powder of 2 to 3 tsp dry roasted fenugreek seeds. Strain the water and add a drop of ghee, and drink. Drink juice made from sweet basil leaves two or three times a day. Linden tea is prepared by boiling 1 tbsp flour in a cup of Linden water and drink warm. Brew tea birch bark and drink with small sips. Willow bark has an aspirin-related drug. When you are not familiar with the use black elder.

Put an ice pack on your forehead. This cools you down temporarily. Or enjoy a washcloth in a bowl with cold water. Then remove it and put it on your forehead. This will help your body to lower the temperature, so the fever quickly.

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