Sunday 28 March 2010

Top 5 Reasons to Sing Out Your Stress

Singing is our birthright! Singing is a natural and pure expression of how happy we feel to be alive, and the way we show our love for music. Here are our top five reasons to sing out your stress:

1. In touch with your body: we sing with our whole bodies. Since singing is so closely associated with the weather, singing helps us to "be in our bodies" and let go of thinking (or worrying) we do a lot of days. Singing can be a joyful activity and can release endorphins (those feel-good chemicals that the body creates).

2. In touch with yourself: Meditative toning, singing a favorite song or just hum to yourself, are all ways to harness your inner landscape and see what happens there.

3. In contact with others: singing with other people - in meditation, prayer, in a sing-along, at a concert, or even over the phone or via the internet - help us experience in a very profound way, we all just joined.

4. To express your feelings: Many times a singer, songwriter or composer has expressed our feelings in a way we could never have - if there is a song that expresses what you want or need to say, try to sing along (keep in mind that this is just for you, and it is not about "sounds good").

5. To increase your good feelings: Whatever you focus on, you will invite more of into your life. You can choose uplifting, joyful and celebratory songs to sing.

Then sing! Be proud of your own unique voice. Experiment with what works for you - keep a journal of what you notice in your mind and body when you sing certain songs. Then you can choose the right song for the right moment and use the power of song in your own life.

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