Friday 26 February 2010

Where to Find Images for Church Website

Now that you've already downloaded one of our free Christian templates, the one you loved most, you want to customize it to your church. You want to replace the logo, to change the text and to replace the images with real.

If the logo is something that you already have, the text will also be something that you will be able to produce all of yourself, one question remains: where to take pictures from, to replace those already brought into our Christian template.

Well, there would be many answers because there are too many possible situations. For example, pictures with your church. These images can be taken by you or by a professional photographer hired by you for this purpose.

Although the quality of the pictures the professional photographer would produce would be higher in most of the times, the price may be a problem for some low-budget small churches. Maybe you can take these pictures. Just find a digital camera and a sunny day and take pictures of your church. However, you should remember some things: do not take pictures of your church at. Better to use light in the morning, around 9 or afternoon light, around the 5th Also remember to get your church since the pictures are better this way. Actually, what you can do is to spend a short time at a photograph instead of learning a few basic rules of photography. So armed with courage and patience, go and take pictures of your church, we bet the results will be great!

Ok, now that we have pictures with your church, would you like to have some major professional religious pictures that you just can not take. You are aware it is too complicated for the moment your skills! Do not worry! There are plenty of image collections, where you can buy low cost, high quality religious graphics.

Try, for example, places such,, or general-purpose sites like and where you can find great religious content also for a good price.

Also consider taking pictures of church members and pictures of your pastor to give a bit o realism to your website for all the people who know your church! It will be great when they want to see people they know! These are some basic ideas which we are sure you can expand. Search a little on the Internet for Christian graphics, Christian resources, Christian or design and you will find lots of resources, some of them even free!

God bless you!

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